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Tag Archives: benefits

What are the benefits of each type of milk?

Milk is a white liquid rich in various nutrients which is obtained from the mammary glands of mammals. In Thailand, the milk that is commonly consumed is cow’s milk and goat’s milk. The benefits of each type of milk are that it may help strengthen

Do you have to peel grapes before eating them? 

“To peel or not to peel…this is the question!” Grapes are a beautiful fruit with a sweet and sour taste that many people love. But the question many people wonder about is whether to peel the skin before eating grapes. Some people believe that grape skin

What is Botox? How does it work?

Botox or botulinum toxin is an extract from the bacteria Clostridium botulinum. Originally, was used to treat blepharospasm and strabismus ( lazy  eye) body. But at present, the medical profession has used treat wrinkles on the face in various areas. Because this substance can help block muscle contractions.

Armpit problems and how to take care of them.

The following health problems are examples of symptoms. That may occur with the skin in the armpit area. Which can be taken care of and prevented as follows: Hyperhidrosis   is a condition in which the body sweats excessively through the skin. Which can lead to

What causes wrinkles?

Wrinkles on the skin may appear as fine lines or deep grooves, and are more common in areas. That are frequently exposed to the sun. Such as the face, neck and hands beauty. They are caused by a number of factors, including: Sunlight Sun exposure